
School of Communication Studies

The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees free speech.

Rights, Free Speech and Protest at 91²Ö¿â

91²Ö¿â’s School of Peace and Conflict Studies and School of Communication Studies has organized a panel discussion to talk about free speech and protest on campus to educate students about their rights and responsibilities.

Tags: Student Life, May 4, Students First, Nationally Distinctive, School of Peace and Conflict Studies, School of Communication Studies

91²Ö¿â Today

Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies Tatsushi Arai leads the students' forum "Israel, Palestine and Me."

Israel, Palestine and Me

The May 4 Reflection Gallery at 91²Ö¿â's Taylor Hall was bulging with a standing-room-only crowd of students who came out to share their feelings and gain an understanding of the Israel-Hamas War at the Nov. 16, student forum "Israel, Palestine and Me: Students' Forum for Reflection and Dialogue."

Tags: Student Life, Community & Society, University News, Students First , School of Peace and Conflict Studies, School of Communication Studies

91²Ö¿â Today

Avery Hall

As She Prepares to Graduate, Senior Reflects on Experience as Chair of May 4 Task Force

Serving as the Chair of the May 4 Task Force has been something communication studies major Avery Hall, ’23, describes as one of the most impactful and rewarding experiences she’s had at 91²Ö¿â. “May 4, 1970, is a living legacy at 91²Ö¿â with relevant implications for students today. Continuing the legacy of May 4th quickly became of great importance to me,†she said.

Tags: School of Communication Studies, May 4 Task Force, media advocacy, Communication Studies, 91²Ö¿â College of Communication and Information

School of Communication Studies

Christine Rich, '02

Marketing Director, Sherwin-Williams
Major: Communication Studies

Tags: Communication Studies, Alumni Spotlight, Alumni, School of Communication Studies

School of Communication Studies

Paul Starr, '02

Director of Sales and Customer Engagement, Newark Electronics
Major: Communication Studies

Tags: Communication Studies, Alumni Spotlight, School of Communication Studies

School of Communication Studies

Communication and Terrorism

Communication Studies Course Examines Terrorism as a Communicative Act

Terrorism can be a heavy subject for many to digest, but for Communication Studies faculty, it is a teaching opportunity. 

Tags: School of Communication Studies, Communication Studies

School of Communication Studies

Collage of students with family recipes. Text reads: Media, Food and Foodways: Students reflect on how food has shaped family communication, intergenerational relationships and values

Students Reflect on Food's Role in Communication, Family Relationships

In the Communication Studies course, “Media, Food & Foodways,†Assistant Professor Teddy Workneh, Ph.D., asked his students to dig deep into their family’s history to understand the ways in which food has shaped inter-generational relationships and values. Here's some of what they had to say.

Tags: Communication Studies, School of Communication Studies, Global Communication, Intercultural Communication

College of Communication & Information

Photos of the We the People display in downtown Cuyahoga Falls

‘Global Understanding’ Brings Cultural Awareness to Northeast Ohio

91²Ö¿â is merging research with global connections in the Global Understanding Research Initiative (GURI). The recently displayed “We the People†and the upcoming “Import/Export†exhibition provide cultural kaleidoscopes with local and international reflectors.

Tags: Global Reach, Community & Society, Global Understanding Research Initiative, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Art, School of Communication Studies, College of Communication & Information, Department of Modern and Classical Language Studies, College of the Arts, Institutes and Initiatives

Division of Research & Economic Development