
Educational & Student Records

Title of Series Description Retention
Academic Advising Records - current and graduated students Advising records including advising notes, registration information, correspondence with and regarding the student, record of appointments, and referrals 5 years after date of graduation
Academic Advising Supporting Documents - current and graduated students Supporting documentation (such as correspondence with student) that is linked to within the advising record but stored within a remote application.  5 years after date of graduation
Academic Grievance Files Files documenting grievances by students against faculty members Active + 6 Years
Admissions - Applicant Flow Data File Statistical information, percentages dealing with race, religion, sex. ect. 6 Years
Admissions - Applicants who do matriculate - advanced placement records Forms and records supporting consideration for advanced placement in course(s) where no credit is granted. Active + 1 Year 
Admissions - Applicants who do matriculate - applications for admission or readmission Forms requesting admission or readmission to the institution Active + 1 Year 
Admissions - Applicants who do Matriculate Correspondence Form letters regarding admission and/or enrollment at the institution.  Active + 1 Year 
Admissions - Applicants who do Matriculate - Entrance Examination & Placement Test Reports Standardized test scores related to admission to the institution and placement test scores Active + 1 Year.
Admissions - Applicants who do matriculate - Letters of Recommendation Letters of reference supporting application to the institution Active + 1 Year 
Admissions - Applicants who do matriculate - Medical Records Medical records related to application to the institution Active + 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do matriculate - Personalized Recruitment Materials Student-specific letters related to encouraging potential student to attend the institution Active + 3 Years
Admissions - Applicants who do matriculate - High School Transcripts Note: Some documents in other countries may be originals and therefore difficult or impossible for the applicant to replace. The records custodian may want to return these documents to the applicant Active + 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do matriculate - Transcripts, Other Institutions of Higher Learning Records of course taken at other post-secondary institutions and documents supporting prior learning, including credit for military training. See note above. Active + 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do matriculate - Transfer Credit Evaluations   Active + 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Acceptance Letters Student-specific correspondence relating to admission and enrollment at the institution Active + 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Acceptance Letters Letters notifying students of acceptance or non-acceptance to the institution 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Access to See Letters of Recommendation Waiver Student waivers for rights of access to see Letters of Recommendation for Admission Active + 3 Years
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Advanced Placement Records Forms and records supporting consideration for advanced placement in course(s) where no credit is granted 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Applications for Admission or Readmission Forms requesting admission or readmission to the institution. 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Correspondence Forms requesting admission or readmission to the institution. 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Entrance examination & Placement Test Reports Standardized test scores related to admission to the institution and placement test scores. 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - International Student Forms I-20s and supporting documentation.  Active + 3.
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - International Student Forms I-20s and supporting documentation.  Active + 3.
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - letters of recommendation Letters of reference supporting application to the institution. 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - medical records Medical records related to application to the institution. 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Personalized Recruitment Materials Student-specific letters related to encouraging potential student to attend the institution. Note: VA regulations require that all recruitment materials be retained 3 years. Active + 3
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Residency Status Documents Documents supporting determination of legal domicile (residency) 6 Years
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Transcripts High School Note: Some document from institutions in other countries may be originals and therefore difficult or impossible for the applicant to replace. The records custodian may want to return these documents to the applicant. 1 Year
Admissions - Applicants who do not matriculate - Transcripts, Other institutions of higher learning Records of courses taken at other post-secondary institutions and documents supporting prior learning, including credit for military training. 1  Year
Annual Interim Fiscal Operations Reports (University specific) Reports to federal government on expenditures for federal programs.  Active + 6 Years 
Class Absence Records Records collected or created by faculty to document a student's absence from class 1 year after conclusion of course
Classes - Audit Authorizations Approval forms to audit a class Active + 3 Year
Classes - Change of Course Schedule (Add/Drop)   Active + 1 Year
Classes - Class Schedules (Students) List of classes student took a given term Active + 1 Year
Classes - Credit by Examination Form   Indefinite
Classes - Credit/No Credit Approvals Note: Review for continuing administrative and historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives Active + 3 Years
Classes - Graded Coursework Graded papers, exams and other coursework not picked up by the student 1 year
Classes - Official Class Roster Lists of students enrolled for individual classes Active + 3 Years
Classes - Pass/Fail Request   Active + 1 Year
Classes - Registration/Enrollment Forms   Active + 3 Years
Classes - Withdrawal Authorizations   Active + 3 Years
Course Syllabi   5 Years after conclusion of semester
Curriculum - Catalogs Official course bulletins of the institution. Note: Review for continuing historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives Indefinite
Curriculum - Development Files Files documenting approval of new programs and degrees. Note: Review for continuing historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives Indefinite
Curriculum - Schedule of Classes (Institutional) Schedule of classes offered each term by the institution. Indefinite
Financial Aid - General - Non-Recipient Files Copy of FAF for students who did not receive aid or enter the university or college 1 Year
Financial Aid - Non U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - General Administrative - Annual Interim Fiscal Operations Report Reports to federal government on expenditures for federal programs. Note: Review for continuing administrative or historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives. Active + 6 Years
Financial Aid - Non U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - National Guard Scholarship Rosters List of students receiving scholarships from the Ohio National Guard. Note: Review for continuing administrative and historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives. Active + 1 Year
Financial Aid - Non U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - Ohio Academic Scholarship Rosters Lists of students receiving scholarships for current academic year Active + 1 Years
Financial Aid - Non U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - Ohio Bureau of Vocational Rehab Grants Files Record of awards by state agency for students with disabilities Active + 6 Years
Financial Aid - Non U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - Ohio Instructional Grants - Files Record submitted by student for payment of fees. Eventually sent to OBOR for payment. Note: Review for continuing administrative and historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives. Active + 1 Year
Financial Aid - Non U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - Ohio Instructional Grants - Rosters List of students receiving grants for current academic year. Academic + 6 Years
Financial Aid - Non U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - Student Files Files on recipients, including: FAF's, and FAF need analysis reports, parental tax files, award letters, Statement of Educational Progress, grants-in-aid documentation, guaranteed student loan applications, health profession loan files, nursing loan files, scholarships, National Merit Scholarships, graduate assistantships, sponsored student accounts Active + 6 Years
Financial Aid - Non U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - Work-Study Student Files Contains application, PERS exemption form, and evaluations of students employed under Work-Study Program Active + 6 Years
Financial Aid - U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - Federal Loan Check Registers Records of checks sent to students for National Direct Student Loans and Health Education Assistance Loans Active + 3 Years
Financial Aid - U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - General Administrative - Annual Interim Fiscal Operations Report Reports to federal government on expenditures for federal programs. Note: Review for continuing administrative or historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives. Active + 3 Years
Financial Aid - U.S. Dept of Education Funding - Student Files Files on recipients, including: FAF's, and FAF need analysis reports, parental tax files, draft registration compliance record, award letters, State of Educational Progress, Basic Education Opportunity Grant (Pell) Files, grants-in-aid documentation, guaranteed student loan applications, health profession loan files, nursing loan files, scholarships, graduate assistantships, sponsored student accounts. Active + 3 Years
Financial Aid - U.S. Dept. of Education Funding - Work-Study Student Files Contains application, PERS exemption form, and evaluations of students employed under Work-Study program. Active + 3 Years
Gender discrimination & harassment investigation & disciplinary files - students, employees and visitors Records of Investigations, informal resolutions, determinations, appeals, hearing recordings, sanctions, remedies 7 years
Grades - Change of Grade Forms (Update Documents)   Indefinite
Grades - Faculty Grade Report (Grade or narrative) Copy of grade reports as submitted to registrar by faculty Indefinite
Grades - Grade Reports (Registrar's Copies) Copy of grade report as sent to student. Grade or narrative Active + 1 Year
Grades - Grade Statistics Note: Review for continuing administrative and historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives Indefinite
Graduation - Application for Graduation   Active + 1 Year
Graduation - Commencement Programs Note: Review for continuing administrative and historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives Indefinite
Graduation - Graduation Authorizations Documents certifying completion of degree requirements Active + 5 Years
Graduation - Graduation Lists Note: Review for continuing administrative and historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives Indefinite
Grants-In-Aid Records (University specific) Authorizations from Athletic Department including copies of quarterly billings and payments. Active + 6 Years
Head Start Documents of Head Start meetings and grantee level matters. Active + 5 Years
Health Profession Loan Student Files (University specific) Contains all documents relating to granting of loans, including correspondence, promissory note, confidential form, etc. Active + 6 Years
IPEDS Reports (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System)   Indefinite
OBOR Reports (Ohio Board of Regents)   Indefinite
Ohio Academic Scholarship Rosters (University specific) Lists of students receiving scholarships for current academic year. Active
OPA MCE Continuing Education Event Records Records reflecting accreditation efforts, attendance, and feedback of events hosted by KSU earning Ohio Psychological Association Mandatory Continuing Education credits 2 Years
Recordings of remote test proctoring sessions Audio and/or video recordings of student's desktops and/or student's camera feeds recorded during remote test proctoring sessions 1 year
Requests - Disclosures of Personally Identifiable Information   Active + 3 Years
Requests - Health Insurance Waivers Signed waiver indicating student's acceptance or waiver of university student health insurance. 1 Year
Requests - Student Requests for Nondisclosure of Directory Information   Active + 3 Years
Requests - Student's Written Consent for Records Disclosure   Active + 3 Years
Research - Grants Files - Awarded Files containing proposal, budgets, accounting information on grants received by faculty members from federal and state agencies and private foundations. Note: Review for continuing administrative and historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives. Active + 6 Years
Research - Grants Files - Not Awarded Applications are proposals by faculty for rants that were not funded. 1 Year
Research - Research Protocol Committee Files Includes lists of protocols to be considered, new reviews, approvals, requests, and revised protocol forms. Note: Review for continuing administrative and historical value and potential transfer to institutional archives Active + 10 Years
Research - Research Protocol Records Includes protocol correspondence, grant information, approval forms, progress reports, prescription drug tracking forms, memos, history sheets, previously active protocol, and LAMS file. Active + 3 Years
Sponsored Student Account Files Record of students sponsored by corporations and special scholarships, including authorizations, transactions, account numbers, etc.  Active + 6 Years
Statement of Educational Progress (University specific) Confirms individual student's progress toward degree to maintain federal financial aid. Active + 6 Years
Statistics - Degree   Indefinite
Statistics - Enrollment   Indefinite
Statistics - Racial/Ethnic   Indefinite
Student Accessibility Services - Exam Records Documents created and maintained for Student Accessibility Services for the purpose of student specific accommodated exam administration. Including exam appointment, exam schedules, exam administration records, completed exams that have been scanned and emailed to instructors, proctor logs, proctor schedules, professor permissions and phone messages.  1 Year
Student Accessibility Services Records – Documentation for students who have not completed the SAS registration process Examples of this documentation include, but are not limited to, high school Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), letters from providers, or disability verification forms for students who have not completed the registration process One year from date of receipt
Student Accessibility Services Student Files Files maintained by Student Accessibility Services regarding services provided to specific students.  Active = period during which services are requested and or received. Active + 7 years
Student Disciplinary Files Files maintained by student affairs on students who have been accused of disciplinary violations Active + 6 Years
Student Disciplinary Files – Suspension, Dismissal, Non-student visitor persona non grata Files maintained by student affairs on students who have been found responsible and sanctioned to suspension or dismissal; and non-student visitors found responsible and issued persona non grata status Indefinite
Student Records - Academic Records Record of academic work pursued, including: grades, course evaluations, competency assessments, etc. Indefinite
Student Records - College or Departmental Office Files Files maintained in individual college and department offices on students enrolled in that college or department. Includes transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc. Includes students who have graduated, actively enrolled students, and students who are no longer actively enrolled. Active + 1 Year
Student Records - Continuing Education Files include two types of records: students enrolled in special interest courses, and students enrolled in professional certification programs. Active + 3 Years
Student Records - Correspondence Student-specific correspondence relating to student records (other than admissions) Active + 1 Year
Student Records - Program Requirement Modification Change of major forms; degree requirement waiver or substitution authorization Active + 1 Year
Student Records - Transcript Requests (other than student requested)   Active + 3 Years
Student Records - Veterans Administration Records and Correspondence   Active + 3 Years
Student's Written Consent for Records Disclosure (University specific)   Active + 3 Years
Transfer Credit Evaluations (University specific)   Active + 1 Year
Tuition and Fee Schedule Listing of fee charges for each term by an institution. Indefinite
Tuition Refund Appeals - Approved The Committee's communication to the student notifying them of the approval 4 years
Tuition Refund Appeals - Denied The Committee's communication to the student documenting the denial.  In cases of a second deliberation after an initially denied appeal, the following documents related to the second deliberation should be retained: Supporting documents, email communication, and the Committee's communication to the student documenting the subsequent denial.  4 years