
Request A Tutor Visit

No time for a class tour?

No problem! The Writing Commons will come to you!

We will come to your class and make a brief Google Slides presentation followed by a tour of our website, an explanation of how to navigate it, and how to schedule appointments, with time for questions afterwards.  We will help your students understand what a Writing Commons session entails, and how they can best take advantage of all we have to offer.

Please request your visit at least week ahead so that we have time to make a staff member available.

Our Classroom Ambassadors can talk with your class for a maximum of 20 minutes.


To Request an Ambassador Visit, fill out .


IMPORTANT: As a reminder, while our Ambassadors are present in your class, you are still the instructor of record. Please remain in your classroom while we are facilitating our presentations.

After you submit your request, a member of our team contact by email to consult with you about your class visit.