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Check out some of the great tools our team has used over the past year to help create a more accessible experience for everyone.
In this new article of the series, we takes closer look at some of the best accessibility features in the latest version of the Android operating system, Android 13, Google’s “most accessible OS yetâ€.
Captioning technology was used during the pandemic to make live events accessible for all, and it continue to be used more widely in all areas of life with new innovations coming out every year.
Created in 1987 after the Women’s History Project commissioned Congress, Women’s History Month has been celebrated in the United States for the past 36 years. While March is the month we celebrate the amazing accomplishment of women, in recent years, social media platforms have…
This month, we honor Johnny Rocco, a Training Coordinator, for his remarkable effort in addressing accessibility in his workshops and supporting his colleagues with technology training needs.
In this new article of the series, we’ll be looking at the second of a new set of accessibility features added in IOS 16 for Apple phones: “Live Captionsâ€.
This article highlights the remarkable advancements that the gaming industry has achieved in accessibility for gamers with disabilities.
Read about recent technological innovations that have made modifications to traditional assistive technologies enabling those with mobility related disabilities to blaze new trails.
Dr. Sciartelli shares with us some of her accessibility journey to improve the classroom experience of her students with disabilities.
This article originally appeared in the September 2022 edition of Inside Equal Access.
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