Parents and Families
You are an important partner in your student’s career development process. The Career Services Office in the Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship offers career preparation resources to help your student navigate the path from college to career.
Career Development
Our Career Services Office and Team believes in career development as a lifelong process and skillset. We believe it is important to engage with students early and throughout their education experience at the Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship. An early focus on exploration and discovery rolls into learning and experiencing within careers. A great first step is encouraging your student to meet with career services. We offer career exploration assessments, one-on-one coaching appointments, workshops and events!
Ways You Can Support Your Student’s Career
There are many ways to help support your student’s career journey, but we will share 6 that can have a significant impact! These suggestions will allow you to be an engaged supporter of your student, while allowing them to steer the ship.