
Affiliate Member Directory

To apply for membership, please go to the Members page.

Affiliate Members
Meron Abate
Valerie Adams
Raphael Akubo
Joshua Albrecht
Benjamin Alexander
Mary Allen-Gladstone 
Alexandar Andrich
Linda Angotti
AnnaDorothea Asimes
Rhea Banerjee
Patti Baran
James Bavis
Sabina Bhatta
James Blank
Joseph Bohbot
Eleanor Brownlee
William Butke
Kathryn Buzard
Kristin Buzzard McGonigal
Melissa Byer
Carson Campola
Gemma Casadesus Smith
Vincenzo Cavallaro
Melissa Celko
Christopher Claypool
Oliver Cole
Emily Conlan
Jeff Corbett
Jacob Corey
Charlie Coward
Krystal Culler
Matasha Dhar
Brittany Donell
Eric Dyne
Alexandra Enders
Michael Ewers
Laure Farnbauch
Mahmoud Farrag
Elise Finney
Beth Fuciu
Jarrod Gable
Dr. Joe Gadd
John Gape
Breya Gardner
Mia George
Jensen Gill
Tricia Gilliland
Leigh Goldie
Christina Goodall
Samuel Gordon
Sher Graham
David Grober
Rula Hajj-Ali
Joseph Hanna
Allianna Hite
Lauren Holly
K-Kermit Horton
Morgan Iorio
Jacob Janiak
Aaron Jasnow
james jones
Lisbeth Justice
Parul Kalia
Cheryl Kanetsky
Jo Ann Katz
Amber Kerstetter-Fogle
Younguk Kim
Mary Koch
Jennie Laeng
Sungkyoo Lim
Ziling Luo
Bjorn Lussem
J Mara
Conor McDevitt
Molly McVoy
Joan Meggitt
Zeeba Mercer
Brennan Miller
Jeff Moats
James Moore
Aaron Mrvelj
Eric Myricks
Kayla Onslow
Jon Overton
Paula Pacheco
Dr. Stephen Page
Kristina Paggett
Kris Palcho
Madhoosudan Patil
Jared Pennington
Mary Prebonick
Sandra Randulic
Katelyn Reinhart
David Riccio
Karen Rice
Jae Roll
Lynne Rowan
Teri Sanor
Mary Jo Schneider
Nelly Selby
Gina Severino
Cristina Shamatta
Hayley Shasteen
Evan Shelton
Amelia Slama
Misty Sommers
Zaynor Sophia
Jennifer Stanley
Callista Stauffer
Amy Jo Stavnezer
Brady Stephen
Sarah Sternbach
Anthony Sterns
Leah Subak
Matthew Sunthimer
Grace Szatkowski
Stacy Terrell
Dotti Thompson
Wendi Thumudo
Kaela Turle
J. Lynn Turner
John Vennetti
Brady Weber
Kristy Welshhans
Rhoda Wilk
Christa Wilk
Saywrane Williams
Soren Winters
Haolan Zhang