91²Ö¿â remains committed to being a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace. The staffers listed below have been selected to participate in the Anti-Bias workshops in support of this commitment.
Participants are required to attend all five sessions and submit reflections for each session before receiving a $1,000 stipend. All sessions are synchronous and will be held virtually. All courses must be completed in the timeframe allotted. There will no make-up sessions.
Thanks to everyone for submitting an application for the Anti-Bias Workshops. Congratulations to those who were selected. The response was overwhelming. We do not yet have the workshops dates for the fall sessions. All participants will be uploaded into the registration system next week and will automatically receive email notifications on how to access the Zoom link and add reflections after each workshop.
James | Andrassy | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Brenda | Augusta | Academic Affairs |
Meagan | Blake | Student Affairs |
Keith | Boggs | Informational Technology |
Brenda | Boykin | Finance and Administration |
Winnie | Bush | Student Affairs |
Dornetta | Campbell-Curgil | Enrollment Management |
Mark | Carbone | Enrollment Management |
Todd | Carpenter | Finance and Administration |
Michelle | Casto | Enrollment Management |
Ava | Chaney | Student Affairs |
Patricia | Deeb | Academic Affairs |
LaTesha | Dukes | Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement |
Antonette | Ferritto | Academic Affairs |
Kelsie | Fezell | University Relations |
Anita | Francisco | Academic Affairs |
Lisa | Fry | Student Affairs |
Terri | Harmon | Academic Affairs |
Dale | Holcomb | Finance and Administration |
Ben | Hollis | Academic Affairs |
Angela | Jackson | Human Resources |
Sherle | Johnson-Moore | Academic Affairs |
Cynthia | Jones | Enrollment Management |
Norma | Karam | Human Resources |
Leslie | Langenfeld | Student Affairs |
Elizabeth | Lee | Human Resources |
Melissa | Lott | Finance and Administration |
Ian | Lucas | Academic Affairs |
Sarah | Malcolm | Academic Affairs |
Babacar | Mbaye | Academic Affairs |
Joshua | Miller | University Relations |
Anthony | Mozer | Finance and Administration |
Amy | Murfello | Academic Affairs, Geauga Campus |
Andrew | Palmer | Academic Affairs |
Joe | Richardson | Human Resources |
Joshua | Rider | Student Affairs |
Carmen | Roberts | Finance and Administration |
Janell | Ryan | Finance and Administration |
Cynthia | Schalmo | Enrollment Management |
Sarah | Schmidt | Academic Affairs |
Debra | Schneider | Academic Affairs |
James | Scott | Finance and Administration |
Denise | Seachrist | Academic Affairs |
Sara | Smith | University Relations |
Stephanie | Snyder | Academic Affairs |
Karol | Spano | University Relations |
Richard | Thomas | Academic Affairs |
Julie | Vandegrift | Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement |
Jenefer | Villanueva | Student Affairs |
Hao | Wang | Research and Sponsored Programs |
Workshop schedule:
Session 1: What is Equity?
Tuesday, July 6, 10 a.m. - noon
Session 2: Recognizing Bias & Addressing Microaggressions
Wednesday, July 14, 10 a.m. - noon
Session 3: Understanding Race, Racism and Anti-Racism
Tuesday, July 20, 10 a.m. - noon
Session 4: Safe Space Ally Training
Tuesday, August 3, 10 a.m. - noon
Session 5: Creating an Inclusive Workplace
Wednesday, August 11, 10 a.m. - noon.
Thank you for your commitment in making Ken State a more diverse, inclusive and equitable workplace.
Selected participants can contact Training and Development at hrd@kent.edu, or the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at diversity@kent.edu if you have any questions or concerns.