Emily McHenry
As a late-comer to the profession, I have fallen in love with my work with young children and their families. When I graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor’s degree in modern European history, I never thought I would be a preschool teacher. As I reflected on my role in the world, I decided that if I wanted to do good then I should focus on our country’s youngest children. I then earned my Master’s in Teaching in Early Childhood Education from Walden University and taught in an Early Childhood Entitlement preschool program in a public school for several years. I have also taught preschool in Head Start and daycare programs.
I look forward to working with preservice teachers and supporting the development of their skills as they prepare to enter the teaching service. I love the joy and excitement the children bring to my life and I hope to inspire them to be the makers of change in our world.
Masters of Arts in Teaching in Early Childhood Education, Walden University, 2010