
AY 2023 - 2024 Graduates

Krishna Aryal, PhD May 2023
Three Dimensional QCD Phase Diagrams.

Arwa Alyami, PhD May 2023
Ionic Liquid Crystal Elastomers as Solid Electrolytes for Organic Electrochemical Transistors.

Hend Baza, PhD May 2023
Dynamics of Liquid Crystal-Based Active Matter.

Ubaid Tantary, PhD May 2023
Thermodynamics of N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory using Direct Resummation and Effective Field Theory Methods.

Huda Alalawi, PhD December 2023
Theory and Application of Far-from-Equilibrium Hydrodynamics and Kinetic Theory.

Khadiza Begam, PhD December 2023
Polarization Consistent Electronic Structure Theory of Photo-Physical Properties.

Suman Raj Panday, PhD December 2023
Collective Physical Phenomena in Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations.

Sajad Shiekh, PhD December 2023
Single Molecule Investigation of Long Telomeres and Their Interactions with Shelterin Proteins.

Angelo Visco, PhD December 2023
Robust, Accurate, and Precise Surface Light Scattering Spectroscopy for Fluid Interfaces.

Thomas Swope, MS December 2023
Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations of DNA Minicircles.

Bdoor Almatani, MS August 2023
Dielectric and Electro-Optical Effects in Nematic Liquid Crystals.

Alex Konic, PhD August 2023
Ground States and Behaviors in Correlated Electron Materials.

Yue Liang, PhD August 2023
D0-meson elliptic and triangular flow, and event shape engineering in Au+Au collisions at vsNN = 200GeV.