

Are You Defining “Accountability” Correctly?

Program Participants​Say the phrase, “We need to hold people more accountable” to your team and most of them will likely have a negative reaction. Why? Because for many, the connotation of the word “accountability” was created by an unpleasant experience involving blame, coercion, criticism and more work. What we say we mean versus what they perceive is often contradictory.

The Center for Corporate and Professional Development

Just Do It: How to Identify and Address 8 Levels of Accountability

Accountability LadderIt seems that in every class I teach, I’m asked, â€œHow can I get my direct reports to do what they are supposed to do?” I hear comments like, â€œI feel like I’m a babysitter” or â€œNo one takes initiative” or “Everyone comes in and dumps their problems on me and expects me to fix them.” These comments are all too common. So how do we get our employees to take initiative and get the job done?

The Center for Corporate and Professional Development